
Where can I find a list of the scaremongering issues liberals are instigated over the years? ?

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A few that come to mind are, Teflon frying pans, cell phones causing cancer, AIDs epidemic, pesticides.

There have been many more. Please add to the list.




  1. liberal yahoo's right here on Y/A is a good start

  2. How about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq?  Oh yeah, that's the right's fearmongering.

  3. You facts are off. The only weird person I know who filled his house up with water bottles for 2yk or whatever that was in the year 2000 was a really loud obnoxious republican who also feared we were going to be attacked by terrorists cause we live near water. I am a liberal & not afraid of any of the things you listed...the liberals I know have faith that is why they don't need guns or war.

  4. Let's see here

    Terrorists are going to come and kill me... wait.. that's a Republican thing.

    Maybe the government is going to take away my guns.... nope.... Repbulicans.  

    Taxes are going to get so high that I can't eat.. ohh wait, that is another republican thing.

    The media is going to make me think like a Liberal because they are all Liberals.. yep.. another right wing idea.  

    Billary is going to kill me!  

    I'm going to turn into a homosexual.  Another closet fear of right wingers.


  5. Its NOT limited to the "liberal" or "conservative"

    its universal to the BIG MEDIA and career politician scene.

    How about the Commies are coming?

    or Radical Suicidal Arabs will kill you?

    or if we don't let big business have its way, we won't have any jobs?

    or if we deport all the illegals who will do all that work that nobody else wants to do?

    There are LOTs of fear based manipulations of the AMERICAN public.

    and WE THE PEOPLE have to call a halt to it NOW!

    Lets Roll!


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