
Where can I find a mechanical baby? Price?

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My teen thinks she wants to be a mother. I want to find a mechanical baby that simulates a real baby so that she understands the realities and responsibilities of becoming a mother.




  1. Oh, we had those in high school. It was hilarious. The sad thing was one girl actually "killed" her baby because she didn't support the neck properly and she ended up having a kid!

    Anyway, to your question, they are very, very expensive! What I would do if my daughter wanted a child (though this would annoy me to no end) is set an alarm for every two hours during the night and wake up with her, blaring an obnoxious noise in her ear while she paced back and forth. There's a show - My Wife and Kids and the dad does this to his son, spits milk up on him and everything. Of course, that's disgusting and I don't recommened it. But, I hope you get my point.

    Those babies were so easy to take care of compared to real babies! I began watching my newborn nephew when I was 13 (I was really mature then) and he was a great baby but still worse than those dolls. My new niece, on the other hand, no matter how much I love her, is a horrid child. She screams and cries for no reason, is only happy (sometimes) when you take her outside, etc. Even her own mother agrees that she is a difficult child.

    I would see if she could babysit a real baby, just make sure it is not a very laid back child, because that could make her think that it's a breeze. But it is a very good thing you at least know about this! Most teens would not clue their parents in and they would just go out and get pregnant. I'm sure you've already talked with her, you sound like a great mom, but try speaking with her again. Maybe you can get her a job at a daycare or reading to kids at the library once a week. I was in Big Brothers, Big Sisters in high school and it was great! Keeping her busy and happy is a good way of showing her what it means to be a teenager and how she can always be a parent later.

  2. just make her babysit a baby that is in your family

    i am 16 and i babysit my little cousin who is 18 months and that is all the birth control that i need. especially when he wakes up in the middle of the night and all he does is cry.

  3. Most high school have those for classes now (they aren't cheap) so I would contact your local high school and ask someone in that department where you can purchase one.  

    My teen had one for just a weekend for a parenting class from our local high school, she to thought she would do well but after having to take care of the baby like a real one she realized she wasn't ready.  Her score for the weekend was only a 77%.  The report showed she failed to respond to the babies cries once and didn't change the baby when needed twice.  

    It was a good experience, I recommend following up on them.

    Her friend damaged her mechanical baby and the parents had to pay 350.00 for a replacement.

  4. I'm not so sure that'll help... kids can tell the difference between a fake baby and a real baby. If she doesn't pretend to feed the fake baby and it starves, what will it mean to her? Also, there are elements like the cost to raise the baby that are just not addressed with fake babies.

  5. try Ebay

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