
Where can I find a monologue from The Crucible??

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I have looked at quite a few places online still I am not able to find any. I am not able to go to the library or store so please do not suggest to do so.

Thanks so much for your help!




  1. I agree with theatre_gurl.

    But also...if you just lifted the monologue off the internet, you wouldn't necessarily understand the context of it. Auditioners DO ask questions about how the character would be feeling, why they're responding this way, who they're talking to, and about the events that have led up to this moment. It's happened to me, and most of my other performing friends, too.

    But, you asked, so I'll answer. There's a monologue Abigail does when she starts to go 'crazy'. I'm sure you'll be able to find it. She's talking to John. And says something like "We lay in fire" or something like that. I don't know the play too well, but there's a good, dramatic monologue around there.

    But please - read the whole play, and it will really help your audition, and show that you're serious about the job.

    Good luck.

  2. Really? You're not able to go to the library or bookstore?

    You find monologues in plays, not on those  "monologue websites". Go get the play. If you can't find a way to do that, than you obviously don't have the discipline to do an actual show and have no business auditioning.

    I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but as an actor I just find it preposterous that someone who wants to find a monologue from a specific play is only willing to look online and won't actually go get the play. Actors read plays. It's what we do when we're going to audition for something.

  3. i'm afraid you're going to HAVE to go to a library or book store OR order it online. it is a copywrited play so you're going to actually have to put an effort into it and pay some money. or you and a friend can go halvsies on one script. if you're serious about pursuing theatre in the future, go ahead and make the investment to purchase the play

  4. you find it by reading the play, how else would you be able to understand it anyway?  Buy a copy from or Amazon. com. Used ones are cheap.

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