
Where can I find a pair of cowboy boots like Russell Brand wears?

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Where can I find a pair of cowboy boots like Russell Brand wears?




  1. i love them boots :D but i don't know, sorry >.<

  2. Russell mentioned on his radio that he brought them in Colorado, America from a place called Cry Baby Ranch. They have an online shop and here is a link:

    Also here is the link for those boots exactly on the site:

    Those ones are the same as the ones Russell brought, see:

    Hope that helps!

  3. Wow! You really want to look like this guy huh? He's pretty cool but I have no idea, can you maybe post a picture of the cowboy boots?

  4. I know that someone on the fansite found a link to the shop that sells the exact boots a while ago.  I can't remember when it was though unfortunately.  But if you pop around the forums you'll probably be able to find it.  Sorry I'm not more help.

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