
Where can I find a place that makes prescription football visors?

by  |  earlier

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My eye doctor didn't know. It's either one of those things or contacts, but contacts really annoy me. I don't want to wear my glasses under the helmet because they might break etc. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!




  1. such thing exists.

    It is scientifically impossible to do that because of size and curvatures needed for a prescription.

    You can get small sport goggles though that will fit under the helmet with your prescription in them.

  2. It doesn't exist,but that would be awesome if they could do that!I'd buy one!

  3. I agree with the other answer and provided you with a link to get you started on your search. Since you rely on your peripheral vision when you play football I suggest you go with contact lenses. Glasses or goggles will give you a blind spot and may not be the best choice.

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