
Where can I find a place to live near Ansbach, Germany?

by Guest58970  |  earlier

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I received orders for Ansbach, Germany and I have to live off post (US Army). I am having a hard time finding a room or apt for rent. Any ideas would be appreciated!




  1. Go to ACS and ask for Diana. Tell her that SGM Fuller sent you. She'll help you out. I was stationed in Ansbach (Katterbach) Germany for 4 yrs.


    try this web page, it is in germany so you will need to learn alittle german, meite means rent, kauf means buy, zimmer means room. the living area is in square meters, and normally abbrievated as whl. In germany a room is a room, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, living room, etc. first you have to select if your want to buy (kauf) or renting(mieten) then select the state Bavaria(Bayern) then select the county who want (kriese). I suggest getting a map of the area or printing one out then you can choose places around Ansbach. Also you can go to the site and look under real estate (Immobilien). It take you to a similiar link as described above.

    You can also hire an agent but that up to you.

    Good luck their are plenty of adds in the Ansbach area.

    But always go through your housing office, and should you find something always have your housing office review any contract prior to you signing  it. Believe it or not some people will try and take advantage of you.

  3. If you have orders, you are also entitled for offpost housing allowance (provided you are authorized to live off post). You would be required to report to this office upon arrival. The local off post housing office will help you find a suiting dwelling, that's their job. Be aware, that a realtor in Germany is finding a place for you but you have to pay him a fee of 2 month rent and after issuing the contract he is not available for you in reference to the place. Go to housing and there is no need to worry.

  4. The local Housing Office should be helping you. I would wait until you get there to look up places. The Housing Office has a list of people who do private rentals to Military families. That's how we got our place.

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