
Where can I find a...?

by  |  earlier

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bag like this?

I like this bag, but something cheaper, like £10, would be more ideal. I've looked in a few shops and on a few websites but all they seem to have is massive handbags. I'm in the UK, So english website links would be helpful. Thanks!




  1. try the high street some shops don't have links

  2. lots of uk shops on here Peacocks or Republic might have them.

  3. Yeah, ebay's your best bet. Failing that, you could try etsy? Its a website where people buy/sell handmade stuff, and there's a section there where you can request somthing to be made. So if you post a picture of that bag and ask if anyone could make something similar you might get a few offers. Here's the address:

    H&M might do that sort of thing for a bit cheaper, or New Look might [can't remember if they do bags or not...]. Or have you looked in Primark?

    H&M:  [you can't shop online in the UK yet, but i think you can still browse]

    New Look:

    Primark:  [you don't seem to be able to look at anything on there, but i might've missed it]

  4. theyre kinda out atm but try debenhams...or new look , new look have got really cool bags for like £12-£20

    good luck


  5. can u go directly to the companies website and order it there?

    if not, then ask the company what stores they sell it in or how u can get it where u are

  6. try ebay. put a want it now post and if anyone has got one that they want to sell they'll get in touch good luck
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