
Where can I find a replacement needle / cartridge for my Yamaha PF-30?

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I've looked high and low for a replacement needle / cartridge for my Yamaha PF-30 to no avail. Does anyone know where a better place to look for needles is or if there is a substitute needle / cartridge that would work with the PF-30?




  1. Have you tried,there are other websites that I just went to and seen the cartridge and stylus for your Yamaha PF-30.

    Type in,

    "Yamaha PF-30 turntable" in your search engine and go from there.

  2. Go to the Needle Doctor.

  3. Most any good quality phono cartridge will work. I have used Grado, Stanton, Empire, Audio-Technica, Ortifon, Shure, and Pickering, and all are good to best quality. I personally like the Grado Brand best. First check out the website  They have links to most major brands that have current products. at the bottom of the links they have a cartridge database recommendations link, that has more info to help fine-tune the selection of a compatible cartridge/needle for your needs.  

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