
Where can I find a school in VA for my troubled teen who is ADHD?

by Guest33564  |  earlier

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I am new to VA and I can not find a school for my teen who is ADHD, among other things, and is failing school again. Public school does not look like an option anymore. I don't know what I can afford. I am struggling as it is but he needs help. Any suggestions Yahoo! community?




  1. each public school system in VA has (or should have) an alternative education program.  not saying this is the answer for your child, but you may want to check it out.

  2. I think you need to deal with the behavioral problems first.  Why not try one of those boot camps for intensive therapy?  There are good ones out there.  If drugs are involved, investigate Teen Challenge.  It's a Christian facility that works miracles for teens and adults.  

    In a few years, if not already, your child will be an adult.  Do as much as you can now while you still can.

    What does the doctor prescribing his meds for ADHD suggest?  If you have had a divorce or other family changing events, you might qualify for free or near free family therapy through the local mental health department.  Give them a call and see what they say.

  3. Is the ADHD that serious? There are three programs where troubled teens can get an education here in VA. They are the Crawford Day School, SECEP, and the Barry Robinson Center.

  4. is he diagnosed with ADHD?? Every person on this planet has there very little own ADHD.. its just not as bad as others.. Everyone vaires. I don't live in VA myself.. im sry i can't be of help.. but if he/she hasn't been diagnosed try and work with he/she.. a little bit more.. try and put he/she in a place where its nice quiet where he/she can just study or read, or give he/she some sort of squeezing ball. Just something to keep he/she occupied.

  5. Theres a residential school just north of Charlottesville for trouble teens. Also theres a miltary style school in western Virginia. Another yahoo poster suggested SECEP - as far I know, they deal with more severe disabilities than ADHD.

    Send me an email and I'll send you the names of the two schools i suggested.

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