
Where can I find a stuffed clown like this on the internet?

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying to find this toy clown that my cousin had when she was a little kid. She cherished it very much, but it unfortunately met a firey end... If anyone could tell me who made it or what it's called, that would be lovely too! Any help is much appreciated!

Here's the picture:




  1. You not want this. I have seen these in movies and they stab people with very big knives.

    But, if you are not afraid. I would show something like this to my Grandma or Mom. I think they could make me one and it make them feel good as it be more special to me.

    I wish I could help more, but, this what I would and can do.

  2. I dont know where u can find a clown. y r u asking me??

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