
Where can I find a supplier for promotional showbags?

by Guest32583  |  earlier

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I'm looking for cheap prices and quantities below 2000. Also having the choice of colours is important (preferably black), with a (single-coloured) logo printed either side.

Know of any cheap suppliers?

Deilvery to Australia (WA) essential and must be factored into price.





  1. The best option is NOT to go with someone such as promopedler given they are located in the USA and the cost of shipping will be totally prohibitive!

    I can offer you a couple options. Firstly I actually work for a promotional product company "Global Advertising Products", our website is at and our phone number is 1800 060 305. We can definitely help with what you are after. I am presuming you mean what are known in the industry as "non woven tote bags", ie the ones made the same way as the "green bags" you get at your local supermarket. We print these in house at our own printing facility so although we are located in NSW pricing will be good. If it's a different type you are considering I'm sure we can also help. If you call up and ask for Matthew I will help you out.

    A second option if you prefer to purchase from a Perth based company is to go onto the industry website . This is the site of the Australian Promotional Products Association, which is the peak body which all the best promotional products companies are members of. In fact I would avoid using those companies (often smaller or less professional) who are not members. If you click on the "List of Members" link on the top bar and then click WA you will get a list of members. I can't personally recommend any but I'm sure there are some good companies on this list, or you could just contact us!

    Best of Luck.

    Matthew Cummins

    Global Advertising Products

  2. Check out they ship all over the world.

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