
Where can I find a teacher to test out a homeschooled 6th grader?

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We live in Central Florida and this is our 1st year of homeschooling. We received a letter from the county stating that we have until August 1st to have all of our paperwork & test results in. But they didn't give us any information on WHERE to do the testing? We are very new to this, so please, any help would be appreciated. We started half way through the year.




  1. I do home school evaluations in Pennsylvania and live in a community that has a university in it.

    Locals here will often contact the University to let their interns test/evaluate students.  This is another option.  It seems as though evaluators are few and far between.

    If you want me to come, no just kidding.

    Hope you find a solution.

    Best wishes,


  2. I looked up the law for your state at:

    It looks like you have several options for reporting:

    Do one of the following annually: 1) take any standardized test or a state student assessment test which is administered by a certified teacher, 2) be evaluated by a certified teacher, 3) be evaluated by a licensed psychologist, or 4) an evaluation by another valid tool that is mutually agreed upon.

    (Be sure to check out the legal analysis link at the top)

    Check out this page for a helpful information about homeschooling in FL:

    Try contacting one of the groups to find out how they handle testing. Perhaps it isn't too late for you to qualify with other homeschoolers as a private school corporation. In that case, you will not have to submit to testing.

    Additionally, try contacting your local public school to see if they would be willing to either administer a test or evaluate your child.

    The least instrusive would be to try to get involved with other homeschool families as a private school.

    Good luck.

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