
Where can I find a teddy bear hamster in California?

by Guest60365  |  earlier

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Where can I find a teddy bear hamster in California?




  1. in west virginia

  2. Mostly every petsmart and petco petstore has teddybear hamster. Look in the phone book and see if you have any around or go to there websites to locate a store. If you call them they will be able to tell you if they have any in there stores at the moment adn if they dont they may be able to tell you if and when they will have some.


    Good luck with your search and hopefully new hamster

  3. i think that you should use your phone book and call around but if you know anybody who grows corn go to their field and look for holes in the ground.  dig up the holes and you will either find a diamond back rattlesnake or a teddy bear hamster

  4. Petco, Petsmart.

    I work at Petco and we have them in all the time.

  5. I live in Northern California and every pet store around has teddy hamsters, long-haired and short-haired.

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