
Where can I find a vegan tattoo artist in California?

by Guest56117  |  earlier

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Hey guys, Mutt here. I'm looking to get a tattoo but I'm a vegan so the ink has to be vegan friendly. In case you didn't know, most tattoo ink is made from ingredients derived from animals. Anyways I figured that the easiest way to get a vegan tattoo was to get it done by a vegan tattoo artist who has vegan ink. Anybody know any good vegan tattoo artists in California? Thanks :)




  1. before reading this i was going to say that "al their going to be doing is drawing on you--doe sit matter what they eat?"

    but then I read what you wrote--and I did not know that

    thanks =]

  2. Holy c**p, I'm sorry you're getting such ignorant answers. I guess you can just go to tattoo shops to see if they know of any such places. Good luck!

  3. unfortunately, i don't live in California, so i can't know for sure but i am pretty certain there's plenty of vegan tattoo artists that use inks like Stable. i am a tattoo artist myself (only vegetarian though) and i haven't really seen many people using this brand but i guess some people do use it. OR some artists mix their own inks, and technically can substitute glycerin, that is part of the base, with the vegan kind. you might ask around your local tattoo shops.

    good luck)

    disregard the ignorance. it's none of their business.  

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