
Where can I find a website that has maps and driving directions from US to Campeche, MX?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I plan on going to visit his family in mexico in 9 months and plan to drive the whole way. He lives at the bottom of mexico in the state of Campeche, about 10 to 12 hours from cancun so we know it will be a LONG drive but he is anxious to see a lot of his country. If anyone knows where I can find maps or driving directions through mexico I'd really appreciate it!!





  2. Below is the route planning site set up by the Mexican government (it's in Spanish).  It give a map, distance, time and tolls from any Mexican city to any other Mexican city.

  3. I always use the site well.  Do add several hours to the driving time they tell you.  You will also need a Guia Roji, the Mexican road Atlas...can buy it at large book stores ot order on .  See 2nd site for Mexican car permit info and 3rd for my favorite car ins. agent.  I live in Veracruz and have driven that route from Tx to Veracruz...have not gone furthur , but know people who have and they said the road south of Veracruz is pretty good.  Mapquest does not work for Mexico.

  4. have you tried

  5. try google i think they have it!!

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