
Where can I find an Echo 1 MP5 J that still costs $115?

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Where can I find an Echo 1 MP5 J that still costs $115?




  1. on the jg mp5a5 is like only 90 or so bucks. and yes JG and Echo 1 are the same exact brand. no matter what anyone tells you they are the same brand and they will always be. but ya on the jg mp5a5 is like 90 bucks. and the mp5a5 is the one with the collapable stock not solid. so get that its like great

  2. The idiot below me who is a "airsoft" expert in telling you to buy off of a BS site. Aircrap is a terrible site. Please, For the love of God, do not buy off of aircrap. When you order the gun, they will tell you that its "backordered" and sit on your cash. Its selection is terrible. Its service is even worse.

    But he is right that Echo 1 and JG are the same company. They are made in the same friggin' factory. The Echo 1s only have a litttle 30 day warranty and a bigger price tag.

    The extra $15 you are paying is for a better Mp5. Why?

    1. Service. I ordered a $45 scope. It was backordered. Instead of sitting on my cash, ASGI sent me a $80 scope instead. It was only backordered for 2 weeks. They could have given me a $50 scope instead. But being the awesome company they are, they gave me a scope that almost costs twice as much as my original. What will aircrap do if your gun is out-of-stock?

    2. Newer models. theres a reason why aircraps prices are cheaper. Want to know why? Aircrap carries older, non-improved versions of newer guns on "sale". BS. You actually know what you are getting with ASGI.

    If you really want the Echo 1 model, you have to pay a extra $20-

    Actually, the echo 1 model has metal bushings, so its your choice.

    I hope I helped. for the love of God, avoid aircrap. Buy off of ASGI.

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