
Where can I find an Empathy Belly for my husband?

by  |  earlier

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He justed wanted to know what women go through. He was very supportive for my pregnancies and wanted to know what was the worst for me. I told him the weight on my back and nerves.




  1. I Don't Know - But

    I'd Like To Know Whats

    The Worst.

    Im Male If You Didn't Know

    I'l Be Checking Back To See

    If You Found Out

    Good Luck ! xD

  2. Check e-bay

  3. Using Ebay or other online site might help, but that's a lot of money to spend just to experiment with an "Empathy Belly".

    I think you'll have a better chance of accessing one of these bellies by checking with the local school board where you live, or the school board(s) of a nearby county.

    The School Board? ...Yes, the school board, there's a good chance they can direct you to a school with one of these.

    Depending on where you live "Empathy Bellies" might be part of the middle/high school s*x-education course for some of the more well-funded schools within the district.

    The school board would have records of funds and purchases for all the schools they oversee. If an "Empathy Belly" was bought for one of more schools to use in s*x education courses, they would be able to tell you which one(s). Then all you have to do is visit the school and ask if you and your husband could experiment with it before the next series of s*x-ed courses.

    If you can't find one...

    1) get a large heavy-duty backpack and undo the straps.

    2) Have him hold the pack over his belly then while he's holding it, cross the straps across his upper back and reconnect the straps (so that the top halves are now connected to the opposite bottom halves) then take up enough slack to keep it snug but still over the belly.

    3) Fill the backpack with a small heavy object (or objects)

    the most suitable would be dumbbell weights like the ones here...

    but without the bar handles. The trick is to try and keep the weight over the belly, lower than the rib cage, an above the pelvis. You may need to adjust and retighten the straps as the weights are added to keep it at the proper position.

    The weights will make the straps across the upper back pull the upper body forward similar to how the upper body of a pregnant woman gets pulled forward trying to support the new weight of the belly and baby. Most men tend to have better upper body strength than women, so estimate the amount of weight in your belly and add 10-20 pounds to offset this. Depending on how far along you are, the pack on him should be 30-50 pounds to roughly match the amount strain put on the back and spine. Wearing the pack while walking around the house for a few hours will give him an idea of what it's like.

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