
Where can I find an affordable place to get my rabbits nails trimmed?

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Where can I find an affordable place to get my rabbits nails trimmed?




  1. ugh you never ever want to trim a rabbits nails. ever! give it a place to dig like outside where it cant get out and the digging is what keeps their nails down. your rabbit could get seriuously hurt if you trim its nails.

  2. Contact your local county 4H office and ask for a referral.  There are plenty of experienced 4H kids that will do it for you for $10.  That  is 2 - 3x cheaper than at a vet's office and the kids have probably trimmed more nails.  Lol.

    They will probably be very happy to teach you how to properly hold your rabbit, too, so you can do the nail trims yourself.

  3. do it your self, just use cat nail clippers (that is what i use) and don't cut the quick (if you do apply pressure and keep the rabbit calm till the bleeding stops), go slow with it to, have them on a table where they can't jump off and use a blanket to hold them down. do not man handle your rabbit, you want to teach it that this needs to be done and it doesn't hurt (again don't cut the quick), it helps to end up giveing them a treat, like a piece of banana or apple.

    if your rabbit has light coloured nails you can easily tell where the quick is, the quick is the vien in the nail avoid cutting this it hurts and will cause them to bleed, but if they have dark nails get a flash light and shine it through to find it.

    don't hurt him, do it regularly(keep a schedule), reward him even if he is a little bad, don't over stress him, and don't cut the quick. like brushing if you don't do it they wont get used to it, every week at least CHECK their nails, and brush them, after a while they will get what you are doing and will stop squirming so much (they will still squirm though). their nails should need trimming every month.

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