
Where can I find an inexpensive, decent apartment in a nice area in Monterrey, Mexico?

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I've been offered an exciting job teaching English in Monterrey. What's a good neighborhood to live in? I'll probably need some cheap transportation like a scooter. Any ideas? Oh yeah, I'll want to learn Spanish in my free time and get into soccer. Anybody from Monterrey out there?




  1. A good place to start looking to answer both questions would be Craig's List in Monterrey, at the link below. As far as soccer, first realize they don't call it that in mexico (or the rest of world, England as ell). it's called football (or Fútbol in Spanish) -  i would go to the local parque and hang out - make scrimage a little with some guys if you feel comfortable - asking "¿Conoce usted a alguien puedo jugar al fútbol con aquí en Monterray?"

    The sooner YOU start to learn to speak the better - try going to a Spanish immersion school you first week or two to get you started. Some links below for more info...

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