
Where can I find anthropology articles related to China and the environment or human-animal relations in China

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I'm lost. I need to do an essay from an anthropological perspective on environmental issues or human-animal relations/issues, like extinctions. No matter what topic we choose, humans have to be at the "heart" of the issue.

I wanted to do China, and I was hoping to talk about the panda and the issues surrounding its survival, but after DAYS of searching for articles I can't find anything. I'm dying. We HAVE to use anthropology articles.

Can anyone help me?




  1. Human population growth- As China's population grows, they take more of the land that the animals use to live on.

    Economic boom- China's economy goes up while their environmental health goes down. They d**n the Yangtze causing the extinction of many river dolphin.

    Traditional Chinese culture often require the killing of rare animals for material purposes.

  2. Probably because most of the endangered species that Westerners try to save, are commonly found on the menu at Chinese restaurants!

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