
Where can I find any info on money that Americans spend on travelling?

by Guest34241  |  earlier

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please I need this for my project. sorry for my English Im from Russia




  1. The United Nations World Tourism Agency keeps track of international travel. Their data is not particularly up to date.


    Keep in mind that Americans spend a lot more on domestic tourism than countries in Europe. USA has five times the population of UK, but the total expenditures are close because the citizens of UK spend a lot more money in other countries.


    International Tourism Expenditure (US$ billion) for 2004

    1 Germany -$71.0 billion or $71,000,000,000

    2 United States - $65.6

    3 United Kingdom - $56.5

    4 Japan -$38.2

    5 France -$28.6

    6 Italy-$22.5

    7 China-$19.1

    8 Netherlands-$16.4

    9 Canada-$16.0

    10 Russian Federation-$15.7


    Most northern European countries spend more abroad than they receive in tourist revenue.

    Germany spent $71.0 billion out of their country, but had receipts of $27.7 billion.

    UK spent $56.5 billion out of their country, but had receipts of $28.2 billion.

    Russian Federation spent $15.7 billion out of their country, but only had receipts of $5.2 from tourists visiting Russia.

    USA spent $65.6 billion in other countries, while visiting tourists spent $74.5 in the USA.


    USA Domestic tourism is harder to find statistics in one place. Individual tourist centers keep their own stats.


    Probably the single most visited city in the USA relative to population is Las Vegas. The greater Las Vegas area has about 2 million residents, but over 40 million people come every year. A lot of statistics are on the LVCVA web site.


    TIA has some statistics on USA domestic travel. In 2005 Americans made between 6 and 7 person-trip per person (any age including babies). A person-trip is defined as one person traveling 50 miles (one way) or more away from home and possibly staying overnight. So if a couple and their two children drive 50 miles to an amusement park, spend the day, and return home without staying in a hotel, that would still count as four person-trips. About half of these trips do not involve an overnight stay.

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