
Where can I find articles about children with reading disorders?

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I need to make diary notes about it to be reported in class.Thank you




  1. Try typing a key word or 2 into the search box and see if it throws anything useful up:

    The Best Free Article Links.


  2. What signs are associated with a reading disorder?

    Signs associated with reading disorder include:

    poor recognition of the written word

    very slow oral reading

    many mistakes in oral reading

    very poor comprehension of what has been read

    more like this here:

    Reading is a crucial skill for academic and occupational success. The World Health Organization states: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Reading, therefore, is a health concern, and reading failure is an important public health issue.

    more here:

    Reading disorder is a learning disorder that involves significant impairment of reading accuracy, speed, or comprehension to the extent that the impairment interferes with academic achievement or activities of daily life.

    more here:

    A learning disorder is defined as difficulty in an academic area (reading, mathematics or written expression). The child's ability to achieve in the specific academic area is below what is expected for the child's age, educational level and level of intelligence. The difficulty experienced by the child is severe enough to interfere with academic achievement or age-appropriate normal activities of daily living. Learning disorders are sometimes called learning disabilities or specific learning disabilities. Most children with learning disorders have normal intelligence. Types of learning disorders include the following:

    Reading disorders (sometimes called dyslexia).

    Mathematics disorder.

    Disorder of written expression.

    more here:

  3. If you are looking for actual scholarly, peer-reviewed, research based articles then you can look at the International Reading Association's website. These will have more credibility than articles you may find on the Internet.

    They publish two academic journals with many articles in them.  The Reading Teacher is published monthly and the articles are shorter and easier to read.  Reading Research Quarterly is published 4 times a year.  It is more comprehensive but is also pretty technical.  You would have to look through them to find articles about reading disorders-but they will be easy to find.  Any college library will carry these journals.  If you have access to an online database you can do a search on-line and usually download a PDF file of the articles.  

    Good luck.

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