I am really talented and determined. It's kind of like I know I 'm going to get there I just have to get there. I've been looking on craigslist, bacstage, backpage, casting dept., freecasting calls and more. and I havn't gotten much. I'm going to an audition next week i found on craigslist but I NEED MORE! I want to get as many things in my almost non-existing resume as I can. I 'm getting pictures taken for my file but I don't know what else to do. I'm just 14 years old. I want this so bad though, I don't want to give up but I feel like I'm in over my head. Staying on the computer for hours on hours hounding for auditions. I really need help, advice, anything (even though I already know the basics like, don't contact agencies till you are ready, take some calsses-which I have yet to do, have a head shot and full body shot, have a good resume, don't pay up-front legit angencies take about 15% of your paycheck) Please if you have anything on auditions in houston, please TELL ME