
Where can I find authentic Japanese Ginger Sauce?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so I love Hibatchi style Japanese food. The restaurant I usualy go to used their own Ginger Sauce & Hot Mustard sauce that was just amazing. I use to buy it from them, but they just went out of business. I live in Green Bay, WI (smaller city) so most of our grociery stores don't carry it (or know what I am talking about). I am willing to order it offline if someone knows a link where I can get it. Otherwise, I guess I'll have to go with a La Choy or Kikoman version. Any suggestions please?




  1. hey friend why dont u make it ,,, i ll give u the recipie

    1/2 cup soy sauce

    1/4 cup apple cider vinegar

    1 cup very finely minced onion

    1 teaspoon very finely minced ginger

    1/2 teaspoon msg


    Combine ingredients in a food processor or blender

    Process until mixed well

    Strain through a fine sieve or chinois

    Serve slightly chilled or at room temperature, as a dipping sauce

  2. Japan

  3. Why don't you try and make it - and then pass on the recipe it sounds lovely.

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