
Where can I find auto accident facts?

by  |  earlier

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More specifically, I'm looking for websites that give average numbers for cost in different types of accidents. For instance, information about what the average medical cost per accident is in an area, or what an average property damage claim may be. I'm also looking for examples of more extreme cases with higher amounts being paid out. I'd like to find some examples that I can use with clients to discuss the importance of higher limits of insurance. I sell in an area where money is generally tight, and people need more than just advice to help them decide on adequate limits.




  1. You will want to get this information from your companies.  Their actuarial departments can give you statistics out the wazoo.  Speak to any random claims adjuster about any larger claims they had recently and they should be able to give you a list as long as your arm!

    Good luck to you!

  2. citation

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