
Where can I find basic and cheap health insurance?

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I am a 25 year old part time college student looking for very basic and cheap health insurance. I had prior insurance under my father’s plan but was dropped when I turned 25. Legally I can elect COBRA continuation coverage but the monthly cost is above what I can afford. I am looking for cheap insurance that would cover doctor visits and prescriptions. I am not very knowledgeable about any of this; any advice would be greatly appreciated.




  1. Well, there's no such thing as a "cheap" plan.  If you are generally healthy, you will pay less in the long run by having a high deductible plan.  You will pay more at the doctor's office, but your monthly payments will be drastically lower.  The proof is in the numbers, see the Deductibles Worksheet at:

    Please see my site below to walk you through the application process and obtain insurance quotes.

  2. sorry buddy, I do not believe there is such an animal.  I think "cheap health insurance" is about as extinct as dinosaurs.  Right now I am paying almost $1000 per month for a family of 5 (actually 4 because my employer supposedly pays mine).  The worst part is that the stupid plan isn't worth c**p.  it just doesn't pay for stuff like I should.  I mean  d@mnit if I pay 12000/year, I would expect to be able to get something out of that plan, but there are so many loopholes and stuff that I end up paying that and a bunch on top of it.

    I could almost buy a car for that much money every year... Insurance companies are the biggest fraud ever passed unto the naive americans.  Insurance companies are the DEVIL.  We should get rid of all forms of insurance and promote personal responsibility.  Yeah,  like it used to be you know.  You go to the doctor and pay for the services period.  If doctors will have to deal directly with real people, they won't be able to charge the insane amounts they charge, because they'll have to look you in the eye.

    Only a couple of months ago I hurt myself with an axe.  It really wasn't much.  They had to do an xray and 6 stitches.  and that cost me almost $800.  HELLO?  6 freegin stitches and an xray should not cost that much.

  3. Check at your school-they may offer some kind of student insurance.

    The other best alternative is to meet with an Independant Agent in your area. Tell him what you need and what you can afford. He can find several different companies and several different coverage plans and tell you what is best for your situation.

    You may find that it is best to pay for a plan that will pay for a catastrophic illness and pay for doctors visits and prescriptions out of your pocket. Of course, that would depend on the types of prescriptions you require and whether you could get those as generic (Walmart )or through some other discounted program (30 day supply through the mail-in).

  4. hello,

    if you want read something about health insurance

    i just come accross this blog which may help you


  5. If you have no health conditions, there is plenty available.

    COBRA is way too expensive, unless you are have a condition(s) that would keep you out of the regular market. You can buy some very good policies for about $120-to $200 a month or so in your age group, that have some high deductibles, but also provide some solid "first dollar" basic care for free. This varies a lot by state and could be a bit higher or lower.  Never, ever go without basic, high deductible coverage for anything more than a short period.  

    Try if you want to get some prices. Then, contact a local agent who specializes in health for individuals.  Most will show you a policy from Blue Cross or one or two companies that are popular and that they have a deal with, including the folks at ehealthinsurance.

    However, a local specialist will discuss the entire market with you, and show you other stuff. A good agent will offer to meet with you or invite you to their office nearby. Good agents are not "salesy" and I suggest taking them up on it, since they can do their best recommendations when communications are in person and they can really understand your goals.

  6. The best thing to do IMO is to get in touch with a local agent.  You can do that by filling out a form at  It helps to talk to someone who knows your local market, the companies, and the plans.  I hope that helps!

    Jared Balis

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