
Where can I find best overland route to drive to Cyprus from Scotland??

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Where can I find best overland route to drive to Cyprus from Scotland??




  1. AA will do it for you.

  2. Check for a route on, this will also give you an estimate cost of fuel too.

  3. Google earth is quite good, I used it to go from Zurich, CH, to London, Zurich to St. Tropez, and it was very simple. You can print it out, it has an estimated time of journey and all.  

  4. There isn't a complete overland route. You have to cross the English Channel and at the other end get a ferry from the European mainland to Cypress (Yes it's an island!)

    My suggestion would be drive via Dover Folkestone - Calais, across france to Strasbourg, then down through Switzerland and Italy to Venice. Then take the Minoan or Anek lines ferry to the Greek Mainland, and another ferry to Cyprus. Viamare are the UK agents for the Greek ferry lines and should be able to help with bookings &c. Allow at least 3 days driving to Venice with overnight stops, then enjoy the voyage

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