
Where can I find building plans for over-the-sink dish racks / shelves?

by  |  earlier

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I'd like to install a set of wooden or metal dish drying racks / shelves over my kitchen sink. I've seen a couple of pictures of this sort of thing online and found them called Shaker-style, drying cabinets and popular in Europe but haven't been able to find plans to build them. Any suggestions?




  1. Try going to Rockler's woodworking on the web; Im unsure of their .com address.  They see many different kinds of things, have some projects, & or perhaps have some sort of kit.  Also, do a search under "woodworking plans" or something like that.  Try the DIY network's site, This Old House, Lowes, Home Depot & so forth might get you to the right site.

    Good luck; I like the look of this dish racks also.

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