
Where can I find composite foam for making a boat mould?

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I'm looking to make a human powered amphibious vehichle, similar to a paddle-boat, but with wheels. The designs have been worked out, and I'm good with the mechanics of it all, but I'm fairly new to fiberglass. I've been researching it quite a bit, and I've been looking for a place to get the foam to make the mould, but I can't tell if the pictures I've seen are really what I'm looking for.

So, that foam that you can sand down in seconds, but if you apply pressure it holds well so you can put the gelcoat, fiberglass resin and hardner. Where can I order it?




  1. It sounds like you are looking to make the form, meaning, create the shape you want, then apply Gel Coat for strength.  A mold is shaped and then used to create two shells you would join together to create the float.  Disadvantage of the latter is, surface damage could introduce water and destroy the buoyancy.

    I'm also not a fiberglass person but you can try this page for a number of commercial suppliers, possibly one in your area.  You will probably find them very willing to discuss your requirements as it represents another use for their product.

    I like your objective and would like to keep abreast of your progress.  It sounds like a great concept for a recreational vehicle.  

    Good Luck!!!

  2. Before you go and spend a lot of money on foam, I would do a little testing first.  Go to an "Art's & Craft" store, fabric store, or a home improvement store.  I know what kind of foam you are talking about.  You might want to look in the phone book under "Concreat Forms", I know some places are using foam for the form work.

    I don't know how big of a craft you are looking at building, have you thought about an old bathtub as a mold?

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