
Where can I find concise summaries of current events?

by Guest45053  |  earlier

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I'm going to be doing MUN (Model United Nations) this year, and I was advised to do some research on current events. Is there any website providing a short but sweet summary of some events like the conflict in Georgia, the war in Iraq, and maybe even the upcoming election? Thanks! ^_^




  1. .....chaaaa, the facts are repeated daily

    .....the public summary is arbitrarily distorted, protracted and the facts ambitiously misrepresented in order to supplement every chaotic extremists view

    ....just stick to the facts

    ....avoid opinion glazed statements pervasive among website information

    ....Georgia is about 2 provinces that are extremely profitable resort communities which Russian aristocracy has had available for centuries

    ....the ego of the Georgian President reached an impasse with the ego of the Russian President....and true to form, an abrupt overkill of manpower was brought to bear to force the matter (that is historically the style of Russia).....the geographic location of Georgia also is of chief military concern to Russia, in that, the USA has plans to establish defensive missile silos in Georgia.....

    ....essentially, that locality is similar to the one that the USA has dealt with over the past Century in it's location with the Russian puppeteer in Cuba

    .....Iraq is a coincidence of geography, oil reserve supply agreements that are legal in world court, and are illegally disrupted by militant groups....the coincidence deepens when one considers the roots of terroist groups...the home of all terroists who plan to illegaly disrupt trade, commit murder, and destroy private property is located in and among Iraq, Afaghanistan and the presence of the USA in their home is of no surprise

    ...that portion of the world, famous for irresponsibility and disshevled behavior, continues to prevent education of the inhabitants

    ....this year 135 schools for girls were destroyed by the Taliban, so as toprevent their education.....since gilrs are forbidden to attend school with boys, the prospect of any education is slim to none, in fact a girl seeking formal education will be killed in the upcoming elction, the next President of the USA wil become the 'babysitter' of the world...while sweeking to maintain the safety and honor of legal business interests of the USA, and private businesses from the USA

    ...the USA does not steal is duly purchased

    ....the USA does not promot combats and condems it

    ....Russia seeks to preserve it's insecurity and defensive ego as a whole

  2. Real Clear Politics ain't too bad for that sort of thing.  It's kind of heavy on t*t-for-tat politics, so it's not perfect, but you can certainly learn about Iraq and Georgia if you click the right headlines.

  3. I would suggest just looking on Wikipedia. If you don't want to read the entire articles, just read the first paragraphs before the contents box:

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