
Where can I find ethically slaughtered animal/milk products in on. Canada?

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A read on how animals are treated in the industry will bring the need to be a selective purchaser.

Every one will not go Vegi (and with good reasons), if majority of us opt to select food where animals are killed with least amount of pain (euthanized) it make their lives better and us more humane.

It should just not be making a buck on "Free Run" for it's critical HOW that run came to an end.

A bonus deal would be to get 80% of these products within the 100 Mile.

Can you help please?




  1. i dont understand >.<

  2. I don't know about Canada, but in the U.S. I buy Murray's free range chicken and turkey. I am not sure if they have it there.  They are supposed to be farm raised animals not tortured in slaughter houses. They have a website too. I think it's but you could always google it. Good choice though....I wish more people were aware of how inhumane animals were treated before they came to our dinner plates!!!

  3. Most people don't know that many religions require their meat to be treated in a certain (ethical?) way.  Try a kosher deli or Halal meats.

  4. You are right to be concerned with the issue of how your meat is reared and slaughtered.

    In the UK animal products from organic farms are the answer.  The animals are kept healthy by being reared in ways that cater for their natural behaviours and avoid stress.  This goes a good deal further than just free range.

    When it comes to slaughter the emphasis is again on freedom from stress.  This is achieved by employing small abattoirs that have time to treat the animals with respect, rather than rush them through the process.  The organic standards also require that transport to the abattoir should be as short as possible and again with concern for stress.

    The actual killing processes vary but even in non-organic systems the law requires that the methods should be humane.  But within organic systems the emphasis on respect for the animal is greater.

    I hope that organic organisations in Canada have equally good animal welfare standards.  You could investigate what organic bodies there are and compare their standards,  which should be published.

    Another benefit of organic food is that the methods of production are kinder to the environment so go for it.

  5. i did not know something like ethnict slaughter existed

    is this like the ethnic cleansing  of the german gas chambers

    the animals are not given tranquilisers or happy pills or marched through marijunana smoke before ,

    they have their throats cut ,

    or a bolt shot through their heads

    or electrified ,as the do with chickens before they cut the heads of .

    the smell of death is in the air ,so all the animals are worried to say the least when they are driven into the slaughter house

  6. How exactly would you like your meat animals to be killed.  I believe in kosher slaughter houses, they slit the animals throat.  I don't know about Halal.  Conventional slaughter houses use a retractable bolt gun, driven by high pressure air.  From what I have seen, the animal goes down very quickly and is probably dead before it hits the ground.

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