
Where can I find folder games about the five senses? I just can't find one =S help please!?

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Where can I find folder games about the five senses? I just can't find one =S help please!?




  1. try

  2. You mean children use a folder?

    First the children have a flower which they draw, then they press the flower - then point out the difference - no smell, no colour, texture different etc.  In their folder.

    One page has a nose - on the opposite page, the children write things they smell

    One page has a hand - on the opposite page, (give them a theme like softness, hard, prickly)and the children draw what they imagine things in that texture.

    One page has an eye ..... well you get the picture.

  3. It's tough because your kids can't read well one suggestion would be to have 5 sections, one for each sense, with velcro pieces all over each section.  Then make up cards, with things used for each sense, like a person with an open mouth and words coming out for yelling, a car with sound lines coming from it (and maybe the word beep)....anyway, pictures of a few things for each sense that all have the opposit texture velcro on the back of them.  That way the kids pick a picture out of the bag and velcro them on the right sense section.  A cool thing for the "TOUCH" pictures might be to actually texturize them so the kids can really feel it.  EX: Sandy or rough you could glue sand on the card, for smooth or silky, you could glue a satin ribbon on it, soft, put a cotton ball on it etc.

  4. I have this book but its in my classroom. Do you want just one file folder game that covers all the senses? Or individual ones?

    Did you try to Google search this?

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