
Where can I find folkstyle Wrestling in India?

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I currently wrestle in USA, I am in high school, wrestling in Wisconsin. I was just wondering whether there were any tournaments in india that i can wrestle in, because I am Indian, and I want to see other Indians wrestle.




  1. In Maharashtra at various places you can find these duels. Whether they will allow you to participate is doubtful. But if you wish please visit Maharashtra and you will find plentiful action at various villages and towns. There is a registered federation which governs all such tournaments. You can contact them.

    Such federations are registered in most of states in India and there is lot of action in those states,too.

    Please remember this form of wrestling is popularly known as " kushti" in India. Why don't you run a search on some India based search engine and look for the information?

    Best luck for win - in case you participate.

  2. Folkstyle wrestling as you experience it here in the US is pretty unique to just the US.  The history of folkstyle wrestling comes from within the US midwest and it really isn't used for competition anywhere else in the world.

    However, freestyle and Greco-Roman are both competed in internationally and you may find some places to compete in India with these two versions.  I'm sure you will probably find some variations on wrestling that are local to Indian culture as well.  Personally, I'd focus on would be pretty cool to have the chance to learn another cultures version of the greatest sport on earth!

    Good luck, work hard!

  3. old hindi movies

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