
Where can I find fossil beds or fossil sites in Indiana?

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I'm 14 years old and I'm sort of a fossil fanatic but I have yet to find a fossil site or bed in Indiana where I can look for and keep my very on fossils. So if any of you know where I can find one help me out and tell me. Also I love in Fort Wayne so if you could find something close to there.




  1. try this... go to the library and ask for some 'geological maps' of your area...  in the legend, look for what ever period of geologic time you are interested in, and find it's color on the map... WOLA!!!!!! you now have every exposed geological formation near you and a clear understanding of where to look for it..!!!

      It's just a matter of getting to the place you want to go hunt  after that.

      It's worth the research...  you will be glad you spent that little time in with the maps.  

  2. Falls of the Ohio is a famous fossil locality outside Louisville, KY, on the Indiana side of the Ohio River. Plus, road cuts can expose fossil beds; look for limestone outcroppings. Where you live, look for river/creek cuts through limestone, or CAREFULLY check road cuts (traffic and falling rock are hazards). I don't know of any specific localities in your home area. Sorry.

  3. <<Also I love in Fort Wayne so if you could find something close to there.>>

    Congrats for loving where you live.  I don't know about Indiana at all.  However, other people do.  There must be a geological society of some sort around, and they'd be a useful source of information.  Perhaps a local library could help you to trace them.

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