
Where can I find free solar panels?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, I want to find some free solar panels. Does anybody know where I can get some or does anybody have a contact for me to call?

I just want some solar panels to make a small system at my home to power a few things.





  1. sorry bud but unless you want c**p panels your probably better off just buying them... they may seem a bit expensive.. but think about the long run

  2. If you are the do it yourself type you can make them yourself for really cheap. Much cheaper than buying new solar panels. You can get a detailed instruction guide from this site.

  3. You will not find free solar panels, but you can make your own. The site below has simple instructions you can use and it does not cost anything except for some materials needed to make them.

  4. in the dump that dont work

  5. isn't gonna happen

  6. Just put this one in with "Am I pregnant?"

  7. If you are prepared to get some broken one you can easily repare them yourself.  You will just need a bit of wire and silicon.

    Take a look at

    He will let you know where to get free solar panels from.  Pretty sneaky if you ask me

  8. no

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