
Where can I find fresh mexican cilantro here in the Philippines? I'm craving & surely miss the taste of salsa.

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thanks ferdee. do they also use philippine cilantro in making salsa?




  1. actually (philippines) coriander or cilantro is much more better than the mexican or even indian cilantro. It has more pungent smell or aroma coz mostly of this are growing wild. but if you insist you can check at rustans makati or at the landmark,they have a varity of import veggies, fruits and flowers also.

    but if you prefer the local one you can check at baclaran premises or quiapo as this kind of herbs use also as a medicinal plants which is much more famous as a kulantro.


  2. You can try SM Hypermart near Tiendesitas or Landmark.

  3. you can also try going to an organic market. i hear they have that every sunday morning in makati

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