
Where can I find good African literature?

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I am a South African and Trying to trace African literature. I mean something that gives a true reflection of who am I as an African. I am busy writting a book tittled what did an African man do? I am trying to address the injustices of colonialism and how systems inflected upon us, hurt us and ripped our pride. How our resources enriched people who do not serve Africans' interest. How Africa is viewed and who is responsible for most of African people's sufferings? How do we develop and how do we fit in in the global village? How to help come with strategies to help African brothers to lower their daily growing aggression. This millenium scares me because it seems there is going to be too much of confrontation. We really do not want too see wars. Can the concerned parties honour their promises.




  1. Read Ngugi wa Thionga- Petals of Blood his book is brillient and will open your eyes to Kenya's struggle against colonism. It also discusses post-independent Kenya and how the neo-colonialist have taken over the role of their predecessors; basically the book points out that even though Africa is run by Africans, the West still runs this continet. How? Through the capitalistim, world bank and democracy. Democracy which was founded by the West encompassing Western ideas, their idea of what a democratic state should characterised as has indeed limited growth and development in Africa.

    Africa's struggles and suffering should be shared equally amongst Africans and the West, as no-one party is soley responsible. The only way Africa can thuely develop and become a force to be reconed with in the world, is if Africa where to take the Western theories (since the world is highly influenced by western culture) and adopt them in the African context; only then will Africa be able to be able to compete with other "developed" states.  

    Also Africans need to stop playing the victim and take responsiblity of their actions, when this is achieved what i mentioned above will be easy to achieve.

  2. Africa

    Your own country is responsible for your suffering.

  3. My favorite South African writer is Nadine Gordimer, who won a Nobel Prize for Literature in 1991. I recommend her novel Burger's Daughter and her collection of essays The Essential Gesture.

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