
Where can I find grants for tutoring special education students?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a certified special educator, and I'm looking to tutor special education students and at-risk students in my community after school. I'm looking to apply for a grant that may help defray some of the cost. I live in a small rural community, where people do not have alot of money, but could benefit from tutoring service.

If you have any advice, feel free to let me know.




  1. I've found the website below to be helpful or your state department of educaiton.

    Hope this helps!

  2. Put an add in your news paper cause you know that you are going to need one and it is better that people will be willing to work with you.

    Of Course you are going to have to pay your local news paper for putting your add in.

    Usually it takes money to make money.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Because you are certified, you probably qualify for individual grants that are awarded to teachers.  However, those grants are usually for school activities; I haven't seen any for after-school tutoring yet.  

    You might want to team up with a local nonprofit and offer your tutoring through their organization.  There are a lot more grant opportunities available if you take that route.

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