
Where can I find help for austic child with behavioral problem?

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Where can I find help for austic child with behavioral problem?




  1. Your pediatrician.

  2. On the Autism Speaks website there is a link for Family Services (

    Click on the map to find services for your state.  There is a link under these services for ABA providers.

  3. are you in the uk? If your child is in school then he/she should have been seen by the ed psych (and many others) for the diagnosis of austism

  4. Hi Hun there are a few places ...if your child is of school age someone there will point you in the right direction, also your child paediatrician or doctor, ask for help i know how tough it can be my twin son Thomas has severe autism, i have had a few problems if you want to email and tell me in person please get in touch x

  5. I have an autistic son,he had severe behavior problems,when younger.The best thing,that helped with his behavior,was to stop feeding him foods that were causing him problems.Autistic kids have many food intolerances and sensitivities.Also, they are severely nutrient deficient,due to the fact that they cannot absorb properly.Adding nutritional suppliments can help.Check out the book Children With Starving Brains.Check out the Autism Research Institute.Check out some autism Bio-meds groups on yahoo groups.My son,is so much easier to handle,sleeps very well,and his aggression issues have subsided with whole foods,natural foods,organic,if possibleTake out anything artificial from the diet.Omit gluten,and casien from the diet,unless you can get raw milk and dairy products.Kirkman Labs,makes suppliments especially for kids with autism and ADHD.Good luck.

  6. If he is in school, request from the school a FBA (functional behavioral assessment). They can assess his behaviors and put an IEP (Individual Education Plan) in place or add it to his IEP if he has one already in place (or a IFSP (individual family service plan) if younger than 3)...The IEP team (which includes you) would need to consider positive and effective ways to address that behavior. The team would discuss the positive behavioral interventions, strategies, and supports that the child needs in order to learn how to control or manage his or her behavior. If the team decides that the child needs a particular service (including an intervention, accommodation, or other program modification), they must include a statement to that effect in the child's IEP.

    Look at your health insurance to see if they cover behaviorial counseling..if they do you can have a behaviorial counselor (usually a licensed pyschologist) come to your home and work not only with him on behaviorial techniques but they will with you as well to use with your son.

    Find a local CARD center (Center for Autsim and Related diseases - usually at local universities). You have to put the child into their database and attend an orientation, but they have  excellent services. The have classes covering behaviorial basics based on ABA; feeding classes; potty training; IEP's & IDEA; and many more classes. They will also come to your home and/or his school and work on techniques with him and anyone who is in contact with him. They provide the services for free...once in awhile they have special classes that may require a fee.

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