
Where can I find hot spots in LA where there are majority African Americans?

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A friend is coming form NY and he LOVES to be around his people (African Americans) he has never been to LA and I would like to show him a good time where he can I possibally take him? He's very Pro-black, deep into his culture. I need Clubs, Eatery..etc..




  1. Wish I could help but I live in Memphis,TN. Just wanted to say that I think it is really thoughtful of you to ask.  With a friend like you he will probably enjoy going wherever you decide to go.  Black or not.


  2. Well I'm obviously white, but I can tell you some great African-American restaurants that are terrific regardless of what color you are... Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles, M&M soul food are both really good for restaurants.

    This is LA, everywhere you go you see blacks, Asians, Hispanics, whites, Indians... I can't imagine he wont' feel like he fits in no matter where he goes.

  3. Go to Roscoe's like the first person said, or to Magic Johnson's TGIF in Ladera Heights. Also, a good place to eat is at the serving spoon in Inglewood on Centinela (I'd go there for breakfast).

    you might not want to go to a black club (go to a mixed one...I'll keep my comments to myself). If he's over 30 a good club would be the Savoy in Inglewood.

    answer my question people;...

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