
Where can I find illustrations of hand signals that setters in Volleyball shows???

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The setter in any strategy formation in Volleyball, ussually gives some signals to the hitters. Somebody know where can I find those illustrations or pictures?





    2.voley ball signals

    3.the click wutever u want

  2. There are some standard signals that are used but you can use anything you want. Having your own calls means you don't have to worry if the other team sees them since they will mean something different to you than to them.

    some of the typicall ones are

    pinky - back one

    pinky and ring finger - back 2

    pinky, ring and middle finger - back 3

    all 5 fingers - 5 ball out to the pin

    pinly and index fingers - back 2 to the pin

    index finger - front 1

    index and middle finger - front 2

    index, middle and ring finger - front 3

    pinky and thumb - front 3-2 (2 ball in the 3 position)

    index to pinky (4 fingers) - 4 ball

    thumb and index finger - front shoot

    You should get the idea anyway.

  3. The setting signals are decided by the team, they arent universal.  the hitter and the setter usually cooperate and decide together what sign to give for what set...their usually just made up...

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