
Where can I find in-depth information on Astrology?

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I really don't care if you believe it or not. People believe what they want to. I, believe in astrology.

Additionally, the websites posted are actually NOT in-depth.




  1. it is readily available in any supermarket, conveniently packaged in rolls. one brand uses kittens in their ads; another has ads with cartoon bears.

  2. Wikipedia all the information has been cited and you can see the sources and other links as well

  3. google it

  4. In the Entertainment section where it belongs

  5. internet

  6. somewhere else

  7. You can find innumerable books on this brand of superstition at your local library or any decent bookshop. There are also many web sites catering to it.

    You should also read

  8. LOL at scienceg... and bdwolf probably meant to say "...any INdecent bookstore..."

    You've guessed by now that most of the lab rats that hang out in here don't have much nice to say about's not a science, there's no indication at all that it "works" , and most educated people have as little use for it as they do for religion.

    So, simply put, there is no "in depth" info to be had, if by in depth you mean reliable and well researched., since one "expert" is likely contradicted by another "expert".

  9. make it up youreself. the result will be just as acurate.

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