
Where can I find info about Tim Russert's mother?

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Where can I find info about Tim Russert's mother?




  1. I was interested in finding out more about his mother and I've been googling and searching the 'net and I haven't found one single thing about her other than her name, Elizabeth. I don't understand it.

    It's wonderful the devotion he had for his dad, but I have to admit that I'm puzzled by the lack of mention concerning his mother.

  2. I had the same experience when looking to find info on Tim's mother

    It would be telling to see how he signed off the show 'Meet the Press' on mother's day for the last 17 years

    You think he'd give her some credit

    I found that washington post info too

  3. Go here:

  4. I hope the following sources will help to shed some light on Tim Russert and his Mother's relationship. These are not my words, but is information that I found from the Washington Post.

    Source 1

    I saw an old Brokaw interview this morning that took place right after Tim's second book about fathers came out. He said his mother, Betty, had recently died of cancer, that it had moved very quickly and that all the children were there. He said she was a strong woman who made sure the kids did their homework every night at the table before they were allowed to eat dinner and he obviously loved her, but he always seemed to me to be most attached to his father. That wasn't unusual for those of us who grew up in the '50's. Our mothers were the disciplinarians who were always there and took care of every daily need and had all the real responsibility. He mentioned that if anyone did anything wrong the neighbors got on the party line to tell your mother. Our fathers were the nice guys who worked a couple of jobs and just wanted to relax and enjoy their families whenever they got a chance (and handed out my .25 cent allowance).

    Posted by: maddiegroves | June 15, 2008 6:54 PM

    Source 2

    Regarding Tim's mother, I was curious too. I found the following, which will answer your questions.

    Posted by: CMartin | June 15, 2008 12:58 PM

  5. Google or Yahoo Tim Russerts mother.

  6. About all l found was that she is deceased and that 2006 was his first Mother's day without her.

  7. I'm looking for the same answers.  His mother died last year from cancer, he was at her bedside but he obviously hated her but I don't know why.

  8. I have not had any luck and I was especially interested in the comment by news reporters that his fathers companion of three decades was at his side when tim's sister and the companion's son broke the news.  This just doesn't compute.

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