
Where can I find info on setting up ladders safely?

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Is there a site that tells painters how to deal with uniqe problems?




  1. perhaps you would be better off describing your unique problem therefore we can help you find and answer

  2. Did you try looking online for the site you are asking about? I'm sure it would've been quicker than waiting for an answer on here. Why do so many people come in here, and take the time to ask about a website, when, obviously they are already online. Back to the ladder thing, though, C'MON!, you're a painter, I would assume it is more difficult to mix paint than it is to use a simple device such as a ladder. You level it, watch for wires, focus on the center of gravity, yeah,  in other words, don't fall. Good luck!

  3. I am sure that the manufacturer of your ladder has all the answers, check their website. The main thing is to have it on level footing on solid ground and do not go above the recommended step.

  4. USA   Try the Werner ladder company website

  5. read all those annoying stickers on your ladder, check with the manufacturer or ask a house painter or roofer. Most problems can be solved just getting the angle right and leveling the feet with something sturdy or kicking up one of the feet and pressing the leg into the ground. Basically giving yourself a stable platform to work from is the main thing.

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