
Where can I find info on the genetic make-up (yDNA and mtDNA lineages) of the modern population of Mexico?

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Where can I find info on the genetic make-up (yDNA and mtDNA lineages) of the modern population of Mexico?




  1. Well.... I have recently seen a plethora of people interested in their DNA and to try to trace back to their Maternal Grandmothers ~ some instances have actually shown thet not all brothers and sisters are full on related....(ouch that has to hurt...) and then again, tracing back, yo umay find that there are people living near to you whom you are related to. There are several testing companies....rangijn from $100 to $400 for theis testing, to define what exactly. ....rather where we hail from, I wouldn't limit yourself....and many may not care for this , which for me is a passion...when I can afford it I most certainly will do this...not to prove anything other than the truest ethnicities I have in my blood, however when all is said and done, we all sleep eat and drink.....I am fascinated by this and would love to see how ar back we can go with my case anyway....thank you

    Brilliant question!!!!

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