
Where can I find information about different businesses performance at either the RWC or Heinikenn Cup final?

by  |  earlier

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before the event began

during the event

and after it

for any type of business as I havent a clue where you can find this kind of information?




  1. I've never heard of Heinikenn.

  2. By perfomance you mean...what exactly? Are you wanting to know the impact a businesses sponsorship of an event had on trade - then ask the business.

    If you wondering about the companies that run these events...again ask them directly.

  3. let me get this straight:  so you are a music fan? asking a business performance question? in the rugby section? of a yahoo answers?

  4. What the h**l are you talking about?

    Be a little more precise on the actual information that you are seeking please.

  5. I can only imagine to what music you must listen to. Leave this site NOW.

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