
Where can I find information about green cloths, stuff that help the environment also?

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I saw a magazine where it talk about products that are green, good for the environment stuff that gets recycle and doesnt damage our planet, and I also want information about how can I help. thanks





    This website gives all kinds of tips on green living.

  2. I like some of the stuff on Lotus Organics. Found that site through eartheasy which has all kinds of ideas for green living. Bunch of others too.

  3. You can change your lightbulbs to Compact Fluorescent bulbs (CFL's). They produce the same amount of light as a regular incandescent bulb, but using less than half the energy. They also last years instead of months.

    There is an issue with mercury with them, but it is negligible. CFL's have only a TINY amount of mercury. Less than an old heating thermostat in a house. The problem arises when millions of CFL's are thrown into the landfills. 1 bulb is no big deal, millions cause a mercury problem.

    The answer to that is, there are more and more places that are taking CFL's for recycling. I believe, if the sell them; they have to take them back for recycling. I have a bucket that I put them in and when it gets full, I take them to be recycled. My Ace hardware store in town has a big sign that they take burned out CFL's. But, I changed all the bulbs in my house out over 2 years ago and have yet to have one burn out.

    I would also like to get solar panels or a wind generator so that I can cut my electric bill down even more.

    You can start composting your garbage. All your vegetable waste, paper that is not shiny, cardboard, eggshells, all those can be composted. What you don't want to compost is any animal products like bones, meats, dairy, etc... If you don't have a yard, you can try Vermiculture, which is composting with worms. All you need is an 18 gallon container, like Rubbermaid or some other container, poke air holes in it and line it with soft screen material so the worms don't escape, and you can put your vegetable kitchen waste in there, also newspaper. It is a little more involved than that. You can look online under Vermiculture  and you can find hundreds of sites that sell the worms, the starter bedding, full instructions, worm bins... Then when the worms have eaten all the garbage, the worm p**p (called 'castings) are the BEST fertilizer for house plants.

  4. It's at wal-mart they have green cloths  

  5. This website might help you.

    All of there products are enviromentally friendly with no toxins or harsh chemicals. Even there packaging is better for the enviroment!

  6. Check this cool site:

    Also visit this site for COOL stuff to give you more ideas:

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