
Where can I find information about solor powered heating and cooling systems for homes?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to replace my gas heater and install a/c in my house but have no idea the cost or where to find this information.





    its powered by butt blackle saves money by using black.. and they have everything in the world

  2. Your dependable local contractors are likely to be the best source of information.  You can find the very best system in the world but if you must import someone from halfway across the country to install it, it will not pay you to do so.  So, find some systems online and then talk with contractors about installing.  It is quite likely that solar powered may not be what you want because converting energy of the sun to heating and cooling is hard to do.  But heat pumps with water or ground sources are good bets.  Here's a site to start:

  3. Solar Heater is called a window.

    Solar air conditioner is called a window blind.

    On a more serious note check out Geothermal Heat Pumps.  They aren't solar but they are very energy efficient.

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