
Where can I find information about what kind of qualifications one needs to become a foster parent?

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Can you give me a direct link to a site where i can read state qualifications. I have been looking all day.




  1. Call your local DHS office, They should have the information.

  2. Call your local social services office.  When I was considering it, you of course had to not be a felon.  You need a bed for the child or children to sleep in (no sharing).  They need seperate rooms for boys and girls I believe.  You have to go through a training course.  There is a background check, a health department inspection of water and sewer facilities, a fire marshall inspection, and interviews to go through, and a general home inspection.  It takes some time, but God Bless you for caring enough to find out.

  3. Just call your local CAS office.They are always looking.You will need a criminal clearance you will need to take their courses and then your house has to pass their inspection.GL

  4. The easiest solution would be to look in the phone book and contact a local adoption agency or call an attorney that specializes in adoption law.  If you can't find either, calling your local government offices will help because they always have departments for child health and welfare, etc.

  5. Well, it would depend on what STATE you live in. Something you seemed to understand but not share with us.

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