
Where can I find information on a plant called "Che Che Castaneda" in Guatemala?

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40+ years ago my dad was in Guatemala and got a rash from a plant called "Che Che Castaneda" (not sure on the spelling) by the locals. Every 10 or so years the rash comes back for a couple of weeks. I'd love to know more about this plant, it's scientific name or wikipedia entry, etc.




  1. You sure its not something he caught from a girl in Chichicastenango?

  2. Yep! I think it sounds like the answer above me. Okay, my husband says it is possible that it exists, but he's never heard of it. (He is a Guatemalteco.) The first thing he said was that it sounds like Chichicastenango, the town, not a plant. Perhaps it is something that is native to that area of Guatemala. Good luck finding out about it!

    P.S. I tried searching for it, and have found nothing even close. Sorry!

  3. It is actually called "chichicaste". It is used in railings to keep intruders away, and if you look at it closely it looks as if it has hairs. The following sites may provide some information, such as its family plants & scientific names.

    Hope this will help.

  4. you can get information on in the internet!!!! smart!

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